Sunday, November 30, 2008


Alright so it's been awhile. "awhile? HA! more like FOREVER!" HEY! shut up.. I've been busy.. "OH you mean you've been FUCKING AROUND" dude come on, gimmie a break. shit's real. "OH OH now you're telling ME shit's real. I've be - ignore him guys. Alright so, as I was sayiiing..Shit's real. Sometimes things (well most of the time) don't go as plan. Sometimes it might feel like everything you do goes the other way. Why? I dunno. Happens to me all the time. I feel you guys. I make mistakes, its a part of me. Don't get down on yourself too hard though because like you gotta get right up after you fall right? Exactly. So keep your head up no matter what. Fix your problems, don't wallow in them because uhhhh you'll probably drown after awhile.

Be honest guys, I know you've missed me. Whoever still reads this, I'm uhh kinda surprised. Why read this blog? It's nothing special. It doesn't have any like free prize that you win or something after reading a post. My posts are purely superficial attempts at pouring out my feelings...It's see I have a diary that I write in mainly for you know..private reasons and this blog? I don't know. It seems to have been..I don't want to say forgotten COMPLETELY, because yeah I think about it every now and then but yeah..I kinda feel guilty for not writing in here. Just a thing I feel you know. Like you're neglecting something..
*quick note* - spend more time with the dog.
Alright, alright. So as I was saying? uhmmm I don't know. Do you have anything you want to talk about? Nothing? Nothing at all? Great. I feel like I'm the guy who always, ALWAYS, has to keep the conversation flowing. I'm the guy who always has to keep throwing logs into the fireplace. Shit.

Oh and a side note, I never re-read what I write so if things get a little funky? Like confusing and convoluted and just plain retarded? Stop reading. Because I tend to digress like a motherfucker. Shit's realllllllllll =[

You want to know what I do sometimes? Well. I take shits. Well duh you might say but look at it like this. Okay so you take a shit right? I mean you go into the bathroom, lock the door(especially if you've got a small penis), squat down on your porcelain throne and splatt. Right, right. So after that, you wipe yourself down with some costco toilet paper and you stand up, pull up your trousers, and turn around. You look down into the toilet and take a quick 2-3 second glance at your creation. Okay here's where things get ambiguous. You can look at it in a number of ways. The first way is with disgust: "what the FUCK? when the hell did I have cranberries??" The second way is with acceptance: "Not bad." The third way is with absolute praise, like its the only good SHIT( ahaha get it?) you've done ALL day and so you like want people to respect that? You know? You want some RECOGNITION and so you run off and tell the world: "HOLY SHIT DUDE, Holy SHIT. Damn dude! I did that? Tha- that's all ME baby! Hey Jarell! Check this shit out dude!"
Jarell- SHIT DUDE!
You - I know RIGHT!? Go get a camera!
That's a pretty uplifting shit. The other kinda shit I wanted to talk about is kinda like a, its a more symbolic shit I guess you can say. Its when you're staring in at the toilet and you see the shit. Like you got this shit right? And like, you kinda want to get rid of it. So what do you do? I mean its not going to go down by itself. You gotta flush the shit? Right? Right. So you pull the plug and swirl, swirl, flooosh. It's gone. Like magic you say? Nah dude. It was ALL you. I kid you not my big-bellied friend. You've got the magic. It was all you allll along mann. "Duy, I." Hey no worries dog, I mean. When you got shit? You need to handle it on your own.

A last word of advice dudes? Dont stare at your shit for too long, worrying about when it'll just go away, because sometimes, shit doesn't go away on its own. You gotta take the initiative, and flush the mother. Take care dudes,

Duaaaay outtt.

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