Thursday, May 5, 2011

Is there a deeper meaning to everything?

Why is it that - after a long day - I still sit here at my computer at 5:44 in the morning. What is my motivation? My drive? Why can't I slumber peacefully and allow my mind to rest, my body to rebuild? The latest book I'm reading would tell me that I'm procrastinating - I have some deep hesitation or resistance with sleeping or going to sleep. I think its my mind's solution to hiding my fears or accomplishing things, so I choose to stay awake. It's kinda interesting actually, but very detrimental. I want to sleep and I should, but my wandering eyes and constant need for intellectual stimulation drag me to the computer screen. Here I sit and pound away at the keys (actually it's not even like that, I just click from tab to tab from my mouse). It's pretty repetitive. I suggest you go out there and live a life. As for now, I'm going to try to knock out. Good night ya'll

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