Tuesday, March 17, 2009


twenty minutes left in class and I'm dozing off like someone who's had a gallon of anesthesia applied to him. I fall asleep between Mr. Solomon's lectures, but wake up just in time to copy down slides. Jennifer keeps a steady watch over me and so does Mr. Solomon. "Almost there buddy boy." He's worried about me, and he often passes by my desk which puts me on full alert. I didn't want him to talk to me about my sleeping habits because all I would be able to do would be to agree with him. Shit, I already know that I need more sleep, get off of my back, please. He walks over to the side of the classroom, glances at me, and does an imitation of me falling asleep which looks a lot like a drunken surfer/crazy rocker(you gotta read aloud the "/" for the full affect). I smile stupidly and nod my head in agreement. Mr. Solomon should really get into acting or something, or at least stand up comedy. I'd go and pay to see him tell his wacky anecdotes, even if I've heard most of them already. He'd probably have a story about me too.

"So I've been teaching biology for awhile now, yeah, the study of life. Now, the most interesting topic in biology is Genetics. Genetics is interesting because it basically tells us why we're the way, we are. In my 7th period class, I have this one kid who can't seem to stay awake! Sometimes, it makes me wonder if he's got a genetic code for sleeping in classes."hahhahaha.hahaha.ha...

Okay, He'd do way better than that but you get what I'm saying. Mr. S and I have a pretty cool relationship though. I could be as funny as him at times and sometimes I'd make up jokes about the stuff we were learning, for example:

Biology Teacher: An ionic bond is the force of attraction between two oppositely charged ions. Now class, can anyone please name an iconic bond for me? Yes Steven?
Steven: The Beatles?
Biology Teacher: No, I was asking for an ionic BOND not an iconic BAND.

Shit, there's more but yeah that one stuck out in my head.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

I came home today, my head throbbing with an intense headache. I took a piss, pulled off my jeans, and slid into bed. I felt a little chilly so I covered myself up in a bunch of blankets. I woke up two hours later, boiling hot. I half imagined somebody cracking an egg over me and frying it on my forehead. I cringed every time I moved. My sister felt my head and told me I should go drink water and try to stay cool. I obey and try in vain to lose my heat. I wash my face, take a cold shower, and try to relax but couldn't. I called up Vivian and she suggested trying something called Theraflu. Later I told my dad to get it for me at Walgreens and guess what? It worked. Vivian is a fucking goddess! Fucking love her! I MEAN LIKE HER.
AHEM. ANYWHO! So I drink the stuff - it comes in a flavored powder that you dissolve in water like kool-aid - take a nap, and wake up an hour later feeling as refreshed as ever! Hurray for Theraflu! =] And hurray for Vivian! =]


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