Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pray like you've never prayed before.

Damn it Duy. You are so close man, sooo close.. You can feel it. You can fucking taste it man. yeahhh so fucking close, yet so effing far. Why? Why, Duy? Why couldn't you have just been a man and studied and gotten your damn A's. I mean actually earn them, for crying out loud. This is a total drag. Look what you get yourself into. Duy, you'll be fucking lucky if you get a fucking 50 on your spanish final. FUCKING lucky. And another thing, what the fuck was that performance in Calculus today? Fucking walk in, unprepared, hoping to receive a lousy D? FERGETTABOUTIT...Geezus man..I thought I knew you well. I thought I knew you better. What happened to the old Duy? You know. The one who acutally gave a fuck about things and the one who actually tried attaining those things? fuckFuckFUckFUCK man. FUCKFUCKFUCK

fuck you duy!

fuck you!

go fucking eat some lucky charms and hope to god they bring you some fucking luck, BITCH.

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