Monday, April 21, 2008

So, I was picking up dog shit earlier today and I realized something. I've been pretty down lately and I was wondering why. Well, to tell you the truth, I do know why, but I think it helps to pretend you don't know why sometimes. So then you can wonder why you're sad and then maybe you could pretend you're not. Well, I was thinking about it and all and I thought its okay to be depressed sometimes. I looked at it like a seesaw. You know, that thing they don't have in playgrounds anymore because they're unsafe and what not. So, I thought to myself "hey, maybe depression is just like a seesaw. Sometimes you're down, and sometimes you're up. You just need to know that you won't stay down forever because eventually, that other kid sitting on the other side of you will bring you up, and that kid will go down. It's a depressing way to think of it but at the same time very uprising. Everyone goes through it, even that kid sitting across from you. So just hang on there buddyroo" I felt pretty good after that so I went inside and voluntarily did the dishes. My dad was peering into the refrigerator and picking up random foods and asking me who were they for.
"Who's sandwich is this?"
"Whatta bout this burrito?" he inquired, holding a tamale.

Wow you know what? I was expecting a better post. It sounded good in my head while I was picking up doggie doodoo, but ehhh..whatever. I'm gonna go down on that seesaw now.

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